Afterparty got its hands dirty delivering 255 grizzly shots for William Brent Bell’s Separation. We were lead VFX house on the movie delivering concept design, CG environments, characters and animals, digital blood and gore, and several high concept VFX sequences both realistic and fantastical.
Early Look Development
A key motif in Separation is a red, womb-like, alt version of the Brooklyn location. The actual street was scanned and constructed as a CG set. Trees were created and run through simulations to make them feel like they were pushed in a rhythmic arterial flow. The result was an eerily depiction of the home as an angry living organism.

In a key moment, the audience is given an enormous shock when one of the main characters is suddenly run down by a car. The scene was shot in one continuous single take as the character (Mamie Gummer) walks down a city block arguing on the phone. Without cutting, she is hit by a car that then drives over her body. Afterparty created a pre-vis of the scene and was able to fully block out the action including camera move, actor timings and multiple vehicle plates. On set, the camera move data was transferred to the Techno Jib and replayed for real as a motion control path that allowed us to shoot the many assets that needed to be stitched together to create this effect. In post, CG rain and pooling blood were added to complete the horrifying effect.
Director William Brent Bell / Yale Productions / Rainmaker Films / Open Road